埃及猫: Byg, for instance, acknowledges that Die bleierne Zeit “constructs a powerful cinematic evocation of a land burdened by its past,” but he claims that the film’s power comes from “the acceptance of mass culture as a language or sign-system into which neither the critic nor the artist can intervene from the outside. They accept the film industry as it is rather than propose a radical alternative.”//Brockmann, S. A Critical History of German Film[M].New York: Camden House, 2010:385
双圣树之辉:名为Seven Stories却只有六章不知道是在暗示什么从Gohands近几年的表现来看制作远大于剧作似乎已成了这家公司的理念这种“扬长避短”的动画制作方式虽然看起来是挺高明仔细想来却是自作聪明为了追求人物的美感全然罔顾故事的逻辑东一脚西一刀的叙事方式注定了它会被扣上“粉丝向”的帽子(因为一般人怎么可能看得懂)唯一值得称道的大概是Angela的OP了2014年国剧盛典近年来Angela的最佳了吧
煲鸡新芋:额比较起诺丁山更英国 所以过于含蓄吧 还是不错的